Lee Hunts DESTROYS Carroll Wainwright! WRECKED!!!
Lee Hunts DESTROYS Carroll Wainwright! WRECKED!!! The Unbearable Heaviness of Being: or, Life Reviled is a self-published book that was released in the last few months. While it is a narrative, the story is moreso a frame for talking about anti-natalism, which is the philosophical position supposed by the author. I have a smaller review of the book itself posted on Goodreads; I will link to the review in the description. In this post, I plan on actually addressing the philosophy itself, as I found the discussion to be rather fascinating. While I am arguing against a very pessimistic philosophy, this should not imply that I am an optimist in my own philosophy. I am an optimist in my personal life, which is what matters, haha—but I am pessimistic about reality and human nature and morality in my own ways. Carrol Wainwright seems to recognize a contradiction between life itself and morality. He has chosen morality and thus rejected life. I technically took the precise opposite approach. I...