Yellowface: Book Review and Discussion
I just finished reading Yellowface, by R.F. Kuang. I am familiar with Kuang through her Poppy War trilogy, which I have reviews of for each entry. I will link them below. The short of it was that I thought the Poppy War series was alright overall. The second entry was my favorite, with the first being fairly good, and the final one finding itself in a neutral position (a lot of negatives, a lot of positives, and an overall balance as they cancelled each other out). While I enjoyed the grimdark world that was created for the reader, there was also some messy dialogue, New Adult elements in the first entry, and heavy-handed moralizing that I found eyeball rolling. Kuang and I do not share the same political persuasion, if only because I am not hard left wing and I am generally anti-woke. And when I learned that she had another book out (aside from Babel), I wanted to at least try it out, especially when I read the premise for the story. A white girl steals a manuscript from her Asian bes...